TamperMonkey Plugins

map overlay
Tampermonkey github page for all the plugins and overlays for the metaverse

see the world of #370

API Things *


faucet status call https://api.imamkatz.com/faucet/ plat_id
return example

					"id": 370,
					"bob": 3,
					"slag": 9,
					"grease": 0,
					"ink": 0

clock status https://clock.imamkatz.com/docs

Pojack Data Terminal LVR Database Lookup

Forget where you left your ride? not sure if it has been stolen or just misplaced?
enter the ID number and get the last known location of your vehicle
down to the cords in the game


Bob O'Clock

Slag Index

Grease Mark

Ink Well

Data pulled from blockchain directly from etc chain for the closet block count as possible make your own call to the clock api built with ZIMJS will show you current blocknumber along with faucet status for each resource pages auto refresh

Tracker Sufferer see who is in world

Tracker Suffer in realtime who is in the world and what plat they are on

Death Plotter reset nightly at 0000UTC

simple Tracker to show the Death API live by the golden die by the golden AK shows last 24hr based on game time (UTC)

Leaderboard API interface to leaderboard query

Last Event Whats going on?

interface to query and format the api to get plat runs from the database see how someone else might be getting to the faucets from a different route and paths

Land Lord Check dem Plats

pulling data from the buildrouter:3128 about plots you can enter a plat id and it will return some value that might be useful IE List of uniqe owners in plat.

Lottery Oracle Check for Today Winning Numbers !!

utilizing the API from the King HIMSELF once again
outputs the high givers Oracle of the Lottery System

Bingo Card *now with freespace Dab

Cover the Faucet number on your Bingo Card. All High Givers top of the chart
even if you dont have the $ for the unlock you can still play if the faucet has a
locked status and you unlock it that will still count! UTC Reset game runs for 24 hours
must check in and show POW ie screenshot of card with F12 screen open to verify
what are you playing for WHO KNOWS !!! no really what do you want apartments ?
Vacants ? $bob $ slag $grease Light Vehicles grab you card from

manifold SVG-Bingo get you ticket enjoy the ride

Folgers github <<< SLOW TO LOAD AT TIMES

Good till the last faucet it primed then the page will be retired .. pulls array from api and check again
untouch/untapped virgin faucet

Bounty Hunter Contract Man HUNT!

I hear ya ... bingo not your speed more wanna go out and hunt your bounty no problem
check out the bounty program at the ARMS Dealer hood go find a jimmi he is out there >
give me a screeen shot with the plot number and hold the proper paper work
happy hunting